Leaving on a Jet Plane

For many students, this is the time of bidding farewell to hostel life. After a long time at a hostel, you will be returning for a short stay at your homes before leaving to join the corporate world , or in some specific cases, go abroad to get laid  to pursue higher studies. At this time, you can probably note the following infectious trends on campus:

Compulsive Fraandship Personality Virus

This virus makes individuals get this sudden urge to become the fraand of everyone on the campus. This starts with a sudden nostalgic rush whereupon he randomly adds everyone in the preceding 3 years and 3 years junior to him, on his Orkut and Facebook fraand lists. Some people fall prey to a more complicated form of this infection following which they add professors and other senior members of the faculty. The final stage of this infection involves joining every Facebook page or Orkut Community mentioning the campus.

Documentary Virus

People with this affliction get the feeling that without documenting every blade of grass and every grain of sand on the campus, they will feel lost when they get back home. So the last month of college life is filled  exhausting every possible permutation combination of friends and professors in front of college buildings / entrances . Some people get the urge to also collate all the embarrassing and shocking pictures of themselves and their fellow comrades in arms and post it on all social networks for the entire world to enjoy and comment.

Nostalgia Ngotha 

This stands for a special breed of people who bring up incidents which you would rather prefer to forget. Not only do these buggers have a memory worse than an elephant, they choose to remember the specifics and bring it up at the worst possible moments. These are also the same people who play songs like “Leaving on a Jet Plane ” and other sad melancholic songs while looking like their pet goldfish passed away that morning.

My only friendly advice to all folks leaving campus would be – Empty the LAN while you still can. A few months later, you will be desperately searching for a movie or TV episode to while some time away and will really miss DC++ at that point of time (More on that here). Not only will you probably be having an internet connection which will be slightly slower than traffic in Bangalore , you will probably be suffering from zero availability of “Educational Bhajans” .

P.S: Also learn cooking while you are at it. The number of lives saved by one flat-mate knowing cooking is beyond normal calculation methods.

P.P.S: Inspired by/Dedicated to @punvati who is currently heartbroken at having to leave hostel life after 5 long years of Maggi and Cement mixer tea/coffee

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